09 junio 2014

✿✿✿ KV Summer Fashion Month ✿✿✿SHOPPING WAY

El dia 1 de junio se inaguró el KV Summer Fashion Month, organizado por K.V. Dream Fashion Agency, estará abierto hasta el 30 de junio y Baoba participa como sponsor con varios diseños, este del post, Lunares , es el dedicado al SHOPPING WAY y su precio es solo 70L, os copio la información del evento, hay preciosos diseños y grandes marcas con todo tipo de precios.
                  ✿✿✿ KV Summer Fashion Month ✿✿✿
K.V. Dream Fashion Agency organizes the "KV Summer Fashion Month".
The event will take place from the 1st to the 30th of June.
In the frame of this big event we have 3 different events linked to each other:
1) Shopping Way: 60 discounted exclusive items
2) Prêt-à-portèr: 42 esclusive items
3) Haute Couture: 17 exclusive items
- Shopping Way: June, 3rd at 1.00pm SLT
- Prêt-à-porter: June, 4th at 1.00pm SLT   
- Haute Couture: June, 5th at 1.00pm SLT 
- Sponsors Fashion Shows: June, 25th at 12.30pm SLT

June, 25th at 1.30pm SLT

June, 25th at 2.30pm SLT

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